Our Footprint

42% of the world's population

26% of the world's territory

30% of the global GDP

A Force to

be Reckoned


Participate In The Business Activities During BRICS Summit – August 2023.


The BRICS Business Council was established during the Fifth BRICS Summit held on 26th – 27th March 2013 in Durban, South Africa. The objective of creating the council was to constitute a platform which will promote and strengthen business, trade and investment ties amongst the business communities of the five BRICS countries, ensure that there is regular dialogue between the business communities of the BRICS nations and the Governments of the BRICS countries; and identify problems and bottlenecks to ensure greater economic, trade and investment ties amongst the BRICS countries and recommend solutions accordingly.


To constitute a platform that will promote and strengthen business, trade and investment ties amongst the business communities of the five BRICS countries by:

1. Advocating the value of BRICS to all stakeholders

2. Fostering regular dialogue between the business communities and Governments of the BRICS nations and all other stakeholders

3. Identifying problems and bottlenecks to greater economic, trade and investment ties amongst the member countries and recommending solutions

4. Advancing South Africa’s brand internationally

5. Assisting in fostering a relationship with Government that creates a regulatory environment conducive to strengthening and promoting economic, trade, business and investment ties

Our Value Proposition

Business Representation and Alignment

  • Council and WG leaders nominated by Apex Business Associations
  • Issues tabled at WG level are tested with Sector bodies
  • Broad participation of business and business institutions in Working Groups

Trade and Investment Promotion (in partnership with TISA)

  • More and better targeted trade missions
  • Greater visibility of investment pipeline and project promotion
  • Building intra-BRICS sector networks
  • Access point to Government to unblock challenges

Government-Business Partnerships

  • • Business Advisory role on policy issues that impact on trading environment
  • Development and Implementation of a Portfolio of Flagship Projects which require significant Government support and participation
  • Participation in Government driven initiatives to ensure alignment with business needs

Learning, Knowledge Sharing and Advocacy

  • Understanding how other BRICS countries approached common development challenges confronting business and develop recommendations

BRICS is a force to be reckoned with

of the world’s population
(3 600 000 000 people live in BRICS countries)
0 %

of the world’s territory
0 %

of the Global GDP account for approximately 30% of global GDP, which is projected to surpass the size of the G-7 economies by mid-century.
0 %

Heading Title

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